London Fashion Week & Ogg

Twice a year, the British Fashion Council hosts three events to exhibit the "best of British fashion design" to an international audience. The events include London Fashion Week (LFW), London Fashion Week Men's (LFWM), and London Fashion Week Festival (LFWF), with campaign visuals for all three designed by Pentagram's London-based office with partners Jody Hudson-Powell and Luke Powell.

The campaign uses our typeface Ogg beautifully, juxtaposed with bespoke contemporary typefaces by Pentagram.

Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Tickets
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - front and back
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Pamphletes
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Boards
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Poster
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Digital board
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Envelope
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - Pamphlet - 2
Sharp Type Ogg London Fashion Week 2018 - step and repeat